Thursday, September 3, 2009 6:58 PM
I'm no manhater but I'm apparently starting to be one.. I guess I've already lost my own concept of trust when it comes to MEN.. For one, they really are deceptive.. They could have fun and mess up yet still they would be able to easily get by it.. I really don't know what they get out of goofing and fooling around.. More often than not, even at the expense of hurting a family, friend or worse, a partner.. I'm not babbling out.. I'm speaking in behalf of the whole truth.. I was able to prove this just a couple of minutes ago. I was with a friend. A married one. As we were driving across the vicinity, an unregistered number called him. At first, he pretended not to hear it. But the call did not end. So I just asked him to pick it up and just answer it. The next thing I knew, he was already lying at me. He was already telling me that he did not know the person on the other line when in fact I heard that person calling him by name.. And just a few minutes later, I found out a text message from someone on his other phone calling him "bebs".. Garsh..! I was so clueless he was like this! Definitely, I was in complete shock! I thought I already knew him that well for I had already known him for more than 10 years yet there's still a lot more to know 'bout his real personality. It was really devastating though. We had this high regard for him yet all of those gone out after that very instant. Now, this just makes it harder for me to TRUST.. At times I thought he was different.. But pooof..!! Guess, he was so good to be true.. Can't MEN be just confined and get real serious in a single relationship?! Why do they need the love of many just to feel secured?! Why do they risk their loved ones being hurt for their own satisfaction when WOMEN are expecting the exact opposite from them?! Why couldn't they just be fair enough?! Why do they need to inconsiderately break the hearts of those who spend the whole of their lives just loving them?! See, I got really perplexed.. If my friend does it, then much more the other MEN whom I don't even know. Gawd..! What's happening to our world?!