Thursday, November 19, 2009 5:54 PM
Ever felt you want to give up on love? I recently just did. Just a couple of days ago, I was already on the verge of letting go for I got really fed up and was just so tired of everything. I somehow felt that nothing is actually falling into place. All efforts ending up being rubbish. Thus, there was not even a single reason for me to stay.

With that note, I've got no other choice but to move out of such an unhealthy relationship before it sucks all the good out in me. Yet it's impeccably easier said than done. So much is left to be sacrificed. And the bulk of it would certainly go to the old heartily fun-filled bittersweet memories. How could anyone possibly let go or even forget those such significantly cherished facets of life?

It may be damn hard but if it's what life asks you to do, then just push yourself to whole-heartedly embark on it. That would be way better than hold onto and believe in something only you could perceive as true and worth fighting for. If you think you've already done your part and you've undeniably exerted your utmost best, then just leave it all up to fate. Don't ever tire yourself with someone who never sees your worth nor with someone who doesn't appreciate your presence in their lives. Love was made to work both ways. It was never meant to be shouldered by one.

Surprisingly, everytime I make up my mind and garner an ample strength to finally break out from a suffocating relationship, there's always something that would suddenly come up which would often convince me not to let go of my hold. And would then realize that everything is still within our control. That we just overlooked and misinterpreted things. And that all we needed to salvage the relationship was to get each other really engrossed to preserving the harmonious bond that we had nurtured all these years.

pain is but part of loving
oftentimes we condemn it
more so abhor it
yet it's way better getting ounces of it
than feel nothing at all.

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