Wednesday, April 9, 2014 11:02 AM

Working for a bank could be real shitty. Exasperatingly lethargic. Gruesomely exhausting. Immensely demanding. No fixed lunch breaks. Excessive overtimes. Voluminous transactions. and what not. Anything and everything that would drive you to just give up and die. But having yourself with the right circle of people changes and saves everything.

T'was just a weekend ago when I was asked to report for a Saturday work with these people. Who the hell here wants to sacrifice one of his/her weekend offs for work?! I'm hearing a unanimous NONE! But for brilliant people like us, of course we didn't let the weekend be consumed by work. Instead, we grabbed the slightest distress and turned it into a perfect opportunity to go out, enjoy new friends and just have fun.

Just grateful to have met these beautiful people. And just as they say, true friends are rare finds.
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